All right everyone, this one is important.
Help these dudes out. Go to this site and READ THE DAMN THING! These guys are attempting to do something truly historic. The renovation and subsequent return to grace of a coffee farm that got about the worst of it is the subject of their forthcoming documentary.
I know I talk a lot about my love for coffee, but no amount of latte art throwdowns or lackluster competition performances have the capacity for change that this project has.
The gentlemen of Safehouse Coffee in Griffin, GA are not unknown to the wild world of coffee bloggery, but I have the distinct pleasure of holding them as close, personal friends. Of the many and varied folk I've met in my yet-brief but life-altering journey into the industry, there are few that stand upon the principles of quality, transparency, progression and goodwill than the staff of that establishment.
Any amount donated is enough, but the clock is ticking. If you've ever felt an itch to do something bigger than yourself, bigger than your own world, scratch the itch now, in a moment poised to change the lives of a battered community and the history of an industry always capable of more than it ever accomplishes.
Help us do something good for this farm, and in doing so, do something good for the world.